The Differences Between
Brown's Gas and SG Gas
Water Ion Technologies causes fundamental molecular changes in water that allow the creation of new or improved products with properties and characteristics not ever seen before in today's world. These products and services affect the most basic needs of mankind toward better health, more efficient energy and a cleaner environment. The core of Water Ion Technologies is the proprietary process, owned by WIT International, L.L.C. or "WIT", for generating the Fourth State of Water which is named SG Gas. The resulting gas flame has a uniform blue color appearance without yellow sparks indicative of water (H2O) vapor or red sparks indicative of either H2 or O2 gas contamination that are evident in other water-generated gases.
Other gases developed by Rhodes and Brown are "dirty cocktails" with mixtures of gases including H2 or O2 gases that are generated from heat-producing electrolysis processes and can be explosive.
It must be clear in our process of creating SG Gas, electrolysis does not take place. "Electrolysis" is defined as a "method of separating chemically bonded elements and compounds by passing an electric current through them." Electrolysis does not take place and no splitting of the water molecular bonds to the basic components of oxygen and hydrogen occurs, as is demonstrated by the fact that no increase in hydrogen or oxygen gas can be measured in the reaction zone during the production of SG Gas. This is a key differentiator from the processes that have resulted in other gases that were and are produced by electrolysis of water. The gases produced by electrolysis exhibit far different properties from that of SG Gas. Gases produced by electrolysis are explosive, cannot be pressurized and are heat-producing gases on ignition. Rather, our discovery involves a shift of one hydrogen within a water molecule (H2O) to create a diatomic bond of two hydrogens with the oxygen. The combination of the electric and magnetic forces associated with our discovery, restructures the water molecule and creates the resulting O--HH molecule such that SG Gas can be pressurized and is not explosive upon ignition.
Our process for creating the more stable, safer SG Gas is neither heat producing (no electrolysis) nor involves any splitting of hydrogen and oxygen bonds from the water molecule that could create an explosive situation.
including Browns Gas

- SG Gas Appearance: Colorless, odorless and tasteless.
- Freezing Point: SG Gas does not freeze at 32o F. Gas bubbles form from SG Gas infused water after being poured into ice cubes trays and placed in a regular home freezer. The photo shows "unfrozen" SG Gas escaping from the gas bubbles under the surface of the ice cube and forming spicules of ice above the ice cubes in the tray.
- Stability: SG Gas has greater spacing of gas molecules and a higher vapor pressure.
- Pressurization: SG Gas can be stored and transported under pressures at least 1,000 psi
- Flame when SG Gas is Ignited: Uniform blue color appearance without yellow sparks indicative of water (H2O) vapor or red sparks indicative of either H2 or O2 gas contamination.
- Flame Temperature: SG Gas flame has an estimated temperature of 270o F. while ignition of either H2 or O2 gas torch flame can reach temperatures of over 5,000o F.
- Reaction to Other Materials: SG Gas is an ionized gas or plasma gas that will, when ignited, and the flame applied to a solid substrate, melt nearly any substance within less than one minute, including metals and oxidized ceramic.
- Implosive Nature: SG Gas when ignited, is safer since it will implode instead of explode similar to that of H2 or O2 gas.
- Infusion: When SG gas is infused into a water cluster it will bond to the water molecules and create a much smaller cluster of a different shape and properties allowing it to penetrate cells and hydrate animals and plants at a substantially faster rate.
- Boiling Point: SG Gas infused into pure water has a lower boiling point.
- Oxidation/Reduction: SG Gas is an ionized gas with the potential to oxidize or reduce any substance. On a non-oxidized substrate, such as steel, the active oxygen within the molecule will chemically bond to the steel bringing it immediately to its melting temperature and releasing hydrogen, which bonds with atmospheric oxygen to produce heat. On an oxidized substrate, such as ceramic, the hydrogen reduces the substrate by chemically bonding with the oxygen present within the substrate, melting the material and releasing atomic oxygen, which then bonds with the material. This double reaction is responsible for producing much more heat than an ordinary oxidation reduction reaction.
- Expansion Rates: When ordinary gases, such as: methane, ethane, propane, butane, or acetylene are applied to rusty steel, popping and spitting of material occurs due to the explosive reaction of the ferrous oxide being separated from the non-oxidized metal due to different expansion rates. With SG Gas, this does not occur which leads us to predict oxidation and reduction are occurring simultaneously, and the expansion rates are equal.
- Even Expansion Characteristics: On concrete when heat from an ordinary gas is applied, the portion the flame touches will expand and break loose from the rest of the concrete with an explosive force and spit pieces of hot concrete outward and leave holes in the concrete surface. This does not occur with SG Gas because it is being reduced to a liquid form before the pressure of uneven expansion occurs. This process also can produce more effective bonding of diamonds to steel in the manufacturing of cutting tools.
For more information of our proprietary Blue Technology please visit: Wateriontechnologies.com